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Whether its your baby’s first tooth or a root canal treatment, our experts provide timely and affordable dental care for every member of your family. Our specialists use the best available techniques in a most soothing atmosphere to treat some of the most common to the most complex dental conditions ranging from root canals to wisdom tooth removal, from cavity treatment to the alignment of teeth with braces, as well as dental implants, veneers and crowns.In fact, we go a step ahead to provide dental packages for corporates offering comprehensive and holistic healing for employees.

Available Hospitals

We provide excellent care, right from diagnosis to the treatment and beyond at our world-class hospitals.

Our Doctors

We have some of the best specialists from around the world, they bring years of experience and offer evidence-based treatment to ensure the best care for you.

Advanced Technology & Facilities

Well equipped with the latest medical equipment, modern technology & infrastructure, Aster Hospital is one of the best hospitals in India.

Digital Imaging

From diagnostics and treatment to superior quality images and streamlined work processes, digital imaging incorporates effectiveness with each communication. We build case acceptance with better patient training that originates from improved imaging, and see our practice develop in wellbeing. With digital imaging, you don’t just appreciate the advantages of prompt radiographs; you're additionally getting a clearer picture that prompts complete analysis. Additionally, it's a chance to build persistent security by decreasing radiation exposure by up to 80 percent when contrasted with conventional film-based frameworks

Sleep Dentistry

Sleep dentistry is regularly utilized as an agent for anti-anxiety to help keep dental patients quiet amid dental visits, and is habitually utilized in local anesthetics. Rest dentistry can help you: -

  • Relax and quiet your nerves
  • Feel somewhat more alright with the dental system
  • Avoid anxiety as you experience long hours of surgery
  • Control a terrible gag reflex

The objective of sleep dentistry is to reduce pain and inconvenience amid dental treatment. In any case, not at all like deep sedation, where dental practitioners utilize general anesthesia, sleep dentistry empowers you to react to discourse or touch, so you can convey any uneasiness to your sedation dentist

Smile Design

Smile design incorporates groups of family dental practitioners and children’s dental specialists to give dentistry to young patients. Each of our family and pediatric dental specialists has warm, agreeable identities that help your stay agreeable through methods like: -

  • Exams to screen for oral wellbeing and formative state of the bite
  • Cleanings, fluoride, and dental sealants to ensure good smiles and prevent decay
  • Oral cleanliness direction to guarantee better brushing and flossing propensities
  • Sports guards that help anticipate broken teeth
  • Braces to fix the misalignment of the teeth
  • White fillings that are littler, less intrusive, and mix in with the grin
  • Pulpotomies and crowns to reduce or eliminate toothaches and abscesses


Want to find out more about the treatment? The answer to your questions can be found below.

Are dental X-rays safe? How?

Dental x-rays are a general dental examination procedure. Many dental problems are invisible to the naked eye. X-rays can help dentists evaluate gingival health, infection related to the tooth-root region, and jawbones’ condition. 

Dental X-rays are safe, and these are very useful for the diagnosis of oral health conditions. 

How much radiation is in a dental x-ray?

Single dental digital radiation x rays have: 0.1 mrem per year
Natural radiation from soil: 35 mrem per year
Smoking cigarettes: 1300 mrem per year 
Drinking water: 5 mrem per year 
Using natural gas for heating and cooking: 9 mrem per year 

How often should we go for a dental checkup?

It’s a standard recommendation that both children and adults visit a dentist every six months to clean and oral exam.

That because of dentist find its to be safest amount of time to detect oral health 

Most people who practice good oral care need to see the dentist every six months.

Your dentist may want you to come in more frequently for a cleaning and exam if you fall under the categories like:

  • Your pregnant: fluctuating hormones can put expecting moms at greater risk for developing gum diseases and cavities
  • Cancer patients: cancer medications can dry out the mouth and put patients at greater risk for oral health conditions.
  • Diabetic: Diabetic can contribute to gum and oral health problems
  • Smoker: Using tobacco can cause gum disease, and healing after a dental procedure is also improper
  • Heart patient: Oral health matters when it comes to preventing heart disease as bacteria in the mouth can make their way to the heart. People with poor oral health have a higher risk of cv problems compared to people with healthy mouths.

What is the procedure for a painless Root Canal?

Root canal treatment removes the inflamed or infected pulp tissue from within the tooth.

  • A root canal treatment will not be the painful experience everyone believes it to be. It is a procedure of an endodontist and highly beneficial to patients dealing with toothaches or infections.
  • By saving the tooth, an endodontist can help the patient keep their natural smile to eat and maintain oral health.
  • There are two types of sedation to help people feel at ease during their procedure. During conscious sedation, the patient remains awake; during unconscious sedation, the patient is put to sleep.


The endodontist will numb the area around the tooth by administering local anesthesia. The patient remains awake and able to respond to instructions.

           In order to gain access to the root canals, a small opening is made. In multirooted teeth, gaining access to canals is more challenging.
         Dentists use many instruments of different sizes and shapes to properly clean and shape your specific root canal anatomy.
         Specialized blunt-ended needles are used to deliver these disinfectants to the end of the root safely and effectively.
          After thoroughly cleaning, the canals are dried before filling the roots.
          Finally, the canals are sealed with two components.
  • Sealer - a cement that sets over time
  • Guttapercha-a filler is made of a natural form of late  

This serves as the permanent root canal filling

Upon completion of root canal treatment, a temporary filling is placed over the sealed canals with two parts.

  • A cotton pellet soaked in an antibacterial solution
  • A solid temporary filling on top
  • A dentist places a final restoration (usually a crown); this will restore functionally to your tooth and protect it from fracturing.

How long do dental procedures take?

Time taken for the dental procedures may vary to the treatments.

There is no need to feel nervous about attending a “dental checkup” appointment. If there are no issues, it should only take around 10 minutes or a little longer if there are any problems that need attention.

  • A ‘TEETH CLEANING” can last between 20-30 minutes. During this time patient will lie back in a comfortable dental chair while we examine the teeth. Dentists will also remove dental plaque and tartar; patients with gum disease or gingivitis may need a. Lasersdeep scaling or root planning to remove plaque and bacteria growing under the gum line. This procedure usually takes two visits, one for each side of the mouth.
  • A “RESTORATIVE PROCEDURE” may last for about 20 minutes. This is a procedure used to treat the decayed teeth. They prevent tooth decay from continuing to spread. In most cases, the method is relatively painless and straightforward. It is the most commonly performed procedure. However, the time taken can deviate based on the type of filling and size of the decayed area.
  • The time you are in the dental chair for a “ROOT CANAL” varies according to several factors, including the severity of the infection and specific tooth. A simple root canal can take about 30 minutes if the tooth has one canal. But you should be prepared to spend more than 30 minutes in the dental chair for an RC appointment.
  • Time is taken for ‘EXTRACTION’ generally takes about 20 minutes. This includes time for preoperative duties, extracting, and post-operative duties. But for IMPACTION, usually takes longer because the impacted tooth is usually positioned within the jaw bone or due to the angle towards the next tooth. This process takes longer than extraction.
  • On average, it takes about 24 months to complete an “ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT” some patients require less than 12 months, but there are also patients requiring up to 3 years of treatment before their teeth reach the desired position. Orthodontics is not a one size fits all solution, and each patient's mouth is unique. So, several factors influence the amount of time you will need to wear dental braces.
  • Time is taken for “PEDIATRIC PROCEDURE” is usually longer. Pediatric dentistry focuses on children from birth through adolescence. One of the most components of pediatric dentistry is child psychology. Dental phobias beginning in childhood often continue into adulthood, so children must have a positive experience. Typically, procedures may take longer and vary if there are any behavioral issues with the child.

When do I need a dental implant?

6 signs someone is a candidate for Dental Implants

  • Good oral hygiene
  • The implant needs good bone density to offer good support.
  • Dropping the habit of smoking or being a non-smoker.
  • A good systemic health condition 
  • Having patience with the process that can take up to 3 to 6 months
  • Regular follow up

Who need dental x-rays?

  • Caries tooth
  • Infection between teeth
  • During the dental procedure
  • Bone loss condition
  • Diagnosis purpose

Safety and x-rays:

Dental x rays procedure techniques have been refined over time to minimize the exposure to protective radiation techniques possible to ensure patient safety. Lead aprons reduce the exposure of x-rays radiation to the body’s trunk and lead thyroid collars to protect the thyroid.

Laser Dentistry

Laser is an acronym of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 

Laser dentistry has become an increasingly popular form of dental care.

It is a minimally invasive alternative to specific invasive treatment options.

Laser dentistry can treat many conditions related to hard tissues/soft tissues in the mouth.

Cosmetic treatments can also be performed with lasers.



GUMMY SMILE TREATMENT: A gummy smile is when someone has extra gum tissue surrounding their teeth, lasers are used to remove excess gum tissue.

GINGIVECTOMY: It’s a cosmetic procedure that reshapes the gum line by removing gum tissue

CROWN LENGTHENING: Before getting dental restorations, such as a crown/implant, your dentist may require crown lengthening. This procedure reshapes the underlying bone and gum tissue to expose healthy tooth structure.

FRENULUM: Laser frenectomy can remove the gap between teeth, i.e., diastema, and fix gum recession


TOOTH DECAY TREATMENT: Lasers remove decay-causing bacteria and remove cavities

HYPERSENSITIVITY TREATMENT: Lasers can seal tubules on tooth roots, resulting in less sensitivity.

ROOT CANAL TREATMENT: Lasers access the root canal, remove infected tissue, shape the canal, and then fill it.

What is Sleep Dentistry?

Sleep dentistry is also referred to as “sedation dentistry.” 

  • Many people are so phobic about going to the dentist that they prefer not to have any treatment.
  • For people who avoid dentists because of fear, sleep dentistry may take away some of their anxiety.
  • Sedation can be used for everything from invasive procedures to simple tooth cleaning. How its used depends on the severity of the fear
  • Sleep dentistry uses medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. Patients are usually awake, except those who are under general anaesthesia.
  • It is appropriate for people who have a low pain threshold, have a terrible gag reflex, have susceptible teeth, and can’t sit still in the dental chair.
  • There are different degrees of medication administration; the levels are chosen according to the needs of the procedure.


  • MINIMAL SEDATION: The patient will be awake but relaxed
  • MODERATE SEDATION: The patient may slur words and not remember much of the procedure
  • DEEP SEDATION: The patient will be on the edge of consciousness but can still be awakened
  • GENERAL ANESTHESIA: The patient will be completely unconscious.

What are the risks of a missing tooth?

The Risks That Come from a Missing Tooth:

  • Tooth-supported alveolar Bone Loss –  Having a good strong, dense volume jaw bone helps keep your teeth and holds them in proper erupted position in the oral cavity. Whenever you bite your food, this helps stimulate and support natural teeth for mastication. When you have a missing tooth, this can trigger a bone loss in your jaw, 
  • Oral Health Issues – Oral health issues increase the risk of getting gum disease. And gum diseases are the primary cause of periodontal problems, promoting the mobility of the tooth, tooth loss, and alveolar bone loss. 
  • Risk for Teeth losing.
  • Aesthetic issues  – If you lose a tooth, shifting of the adjacent tooth towards space can occur. This leads to aesthetic issues for your smile.  And it also creates issues for maintaining proper dental hygiene too. When your teeth crowd into one another, it becomes more difficult to do effective flossing. 
  • Mastication problems – As your teeth shift towards a missing tooth, this can lead to a change in the way they come together when chewing. An improper bite can promote bruxism, habitual grinding of your teeth, or a jaw disorder such as TMJ disorder. These issues can promote damage to the enamel of your teeth, tension headaches, tooth sensitivity, and more.

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