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Nerve conduction velocity test NCV

Neurologists at the Aster Hospitals advise nerve conduction velocity tests to diagnose and evaluate damage to the nerves in neurological and neuromuscular conditions. The test involves measuring the speed, conduction time, and amplitude of electrical impulses through a peripheral nerve. The neurologists at Aster Hospitals, have been successfully using nerve conduction velocity tests to formulate the best strategies for neurological and neuromuscular conditions and improve patient outcomes.

The NCV test is also called nerve conduction study. Healthy nerves show a faster speed of electrical impulses through them than damaged ones.

You have nerves everywhere inside your body. A nerve is a bundle of fibres made of several neurons or nerve cells. The nerves reach each part of your body and enable you to speak, listen, taste, and feel and touch sensations. Moreover, you can move your limbs and body muscles, digest food, breathe, and always have your lungs and heart working. Nerves are a part of your nervous system.

The two parts of the nervous system are:

Central nervous system

Your central nervous system has a brain and spinal cord.

Peripheral nervous system

Your peripheral nervous system has an extensive network of nerves and neurons or nerve cells. There are billions of neurons all across your nervous system. Neurons are specialized cells in billions in the brain and spinal cord.

Each neuron is grouped with many other neurons and can pass information with the help of chemical and electrical signals. Each neuron has an extension of fibers called dendrites and axons. Axons are the nerves through which neurons communicate with other neurons and pass information.

There are two main types:

  • Motor nerves carry signals to the glands and muscles and help in the body movements and working of the glands.
  • Sensory nerves take signals from peripheral body parts to the brain.

The signals through nerves are conducted in the form of electrical impulses that pass through a long fibre called an axon. At the end of the axon, these electrical impulses get converted into a chemical. The chemicals, thus released, are called neurotransmitters, which transmit the information to the next neuron, and the impulse continues this way. That's how billions of neurons communicate, passing on information and making it possible for you to move, taste, see, speak, and smell.

Nerve conduction speed is different for nerve fibers and different types of messages to the brain. A nerve conduction velocity test determines the disease's effect on the nerves and differentiates nerve disorders from muscular disorders. The test also helps determine the site of the nerve damage and confirms the diagnosis of polyneuropathies and demyelinating neuropathies.

NCV studies assist in the diagnosis and evaluation of the following conditions:

  • Peripheral neuropathies
  • Nerve compression syndromes

Peripheral neuropathies

Neuropathy is defined by the doctors as a disease of the nerves that causes impairment of movements and sensations. Peripheral neuropathies can affect different body parts, damaging the peripheral nerves.

Examples include:

  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy
  • Alcoholism
  • Autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and Guillain barre syndrome
  • Chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy
  • Vitamin B12 and B6 deficiency
  • Toxin-induced neuropathy, such as mercury, arsenic, and lead
  • Direct injury to the nerves

Nerve compression syndromes

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome happens due to pressure on the nerves at the wrist. The pressure causes pain and numbness in the hand.
  • Sciatica is severe pain in the low back radiating through back of high due to pressure of the bulging spinal disc on the nearby emerging nerves.
  • Radial tunnel syndrome causes compression of the radial nerve in the forearm. As a result, forearm activities get limited and painful.

Apart from diagnosing, NCV study helps in:

  • Ruling out other suspected disorders
  • Localizing abnormality along the nerve pathway
  • Measuring the extent of damage to the nerves
  • Identifying conduction block along a nerve
  • Identification of the risk of ulcer formation in the foot if you are diabetic
  • Understanding the prospect of treatment of foot ulceration
  • Understanding whether the symptoms are due to nerve or muscle disorder by doing nerve conduction tests with electromyography (EMG).

Nerve conduction study is a reliable and safe procedure. 

Aster Hospitals is well known in the region for its high-quality and cost-effective procedures and treatments for all neurological conditions.

Health Conditions Treated

  • Peripheral neuropathies
  • Nerve compression syndromes


At Aster Hospitals we provide the highest quality of care and a transformative experience for all your healthcare needs. With our network of multi-speciality hospitals, specialised doctors, and world-class technology, we bring global standards of medical care to our patients.

Is the nerve conduction test painful?

The test is not painful. However, you may feel slight discomfort during electrical stimulation of the nerve.

Does nerve conduction test the brain for memory also?

No. The test measures the speed of electrical signals through the peripheral nerves outside the brain and spinal cord.

How long do I have to wait to get the result of my NVC test?

Usually, doctors give the test result within 24 to 48 hours of the test procedure.

What precautions are advisable before the test?

You should inform your doctor if you have a pacemaker or any implant fitted on your body. In addition, you shall be asked to remove metal objects, eyeglasses, and jewellery, if you are wearing any.

How does peripheral neuropathy affect a person?

In peripheral neuropathy, the nerves are damaged, which may result in numbness, pain, or complete loss of function in the involved areas of the body.

How long shall I need to rest after the test?

Your healthcare provider will likely allow you to resume your routine after the test unless you have any illness requiring rest.

How long does the nerve conduction test take?

The test duration depends upon the number of your nerves to be tested. The doctor takes about 15 minutes to one hour to complete the procedure.

How will the nerve conduction test help diagnose my condition?

The doctor understands the damage to the nerves with the help of the NCV test. Your symptoms and clinical examination with the NCV test help them arrive at a diagnosis. NCV alone is not enough to complete the diagnosis of all peripheral nerve disorders.

Why did the doctor ask to do the EMG test along with the NCV test?

Doing EMG in the same sitting as the NCV test helps the doctor understand whether the symptoms are due to nerve problems or muscle damage.

What conditions are likely to cause peripheral neuropathy?

Diabetes, autoimmune disorders, alcoholism, and vitamin deficiencies can lead to peripheral neuropathies.

Advanced Technology & Facilities

Nerve conduction velocity test NCV

At Aster Hospitals, you can be sure of the best services from highly experienced doctors. Aster Hospitals facilitates advanced therapeutic interventions and testing modalities in diagnosing neurological disorders. Highly trained neurologists assess nervous system problems and potential for improvement. The diagnostic tools and processes are modern and conducted in ambient and supportive facilities 


Nerve conduction velocity tests are electrophysiologic tests that test sensory, motor, or both to know the motor or sensory response. The test is done and interpreted by a neurologist on an outpatient basis. If you have pain or injury to the spinal cord, your test results may be affected.

NCV test procedure

For the NCV test, you are not required to fast before the test. You must come in comfortable clothing, so the test conducting area can be accessible to the doctor. Some medicines interfere with the test results like calcium channel blockers and muscle relaxants. The test is done at the normal body temperature.

During the test, you are asked to lie on a table comfortably. The neurologist locates the nerve to be tested by palpation. If more than one nerve is to be tested, each nerve is tested separately. The doctor attaches an electrode to the skin over the nerve location, called a recording electrode. A stimulating electrode is used to give a short, mild electric shock to stimulate the nerve under examination. The stimulating electrode is kept at a distance from your body. The electrodes are attached to the monitor with wires. The nerve's response after the electrical shock is displayed on the monitor.

The EMG test is often done in the same setting as the nerve conduction test. Doing both tests together helps the doctor locate the extent of damage to the nerves and the muscles.

After the test, the paste used for sticking the electrodes is removed from your skin, the electrodes are removed, and you are allowed to go back home. You may resume your routine activities unless the condition requires otherwise.

For interpretation of the NCV study, the doctor calculates nerve conduction velocity by measuring the distance between the electrodes and the time the electrical impulse takes in the stimulated nerve to travel between the two electrodes.

Aster Hospitals has world-class facilities and a supportive environment, so your tests are conducted with customized attention and care.


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