Liver Disease Awareness: On Occasion of World Liver Day

by Dr. Naveen Ganjoo

In his video, Dr. Naveen Ganjoo, a Hepatologist and Transplant Physician at Integrated Liver Care, sheds light on important aspects of the liver and its associated diseases. He discusses common symptoms of liver diseases and offers insights into overcoming them, emphasizing the importance of vigilance in maintaining a healthy and disease-free liver.

Dr. Ganjoo stresses that liver disease often progresses silently, with many individuals being unaware of their condition until it's advanced. Symptoms such as extreme exhaustion, lethargy, and a lack of interest in daily activities are frequently overlooked but can be early signs of liver disease. Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to these symptoms. If anyone experiences such symptoms, they should consult a doctor promptly and undergo regular liver checks.

This year's theme is "be vigilant," urging everyone to prioritize their liver health by scheduling regular check-ups with their healthcare providers. Let's all be vigilant and proactive in safeguarding our liver health.

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