Your liver health matters! Key tips for your well-being 3

by Dr. Naveen Ganjoo

Join Liver Team of Aster RV Hospital in recognizing World Liver Day on April 19th: Understanding the impact of liver disease in India and steps towards a healthier tomorrow!

Liver facts.

Did you know that the liver, often overlooked, is the body's largest internal organ? As a vital powerhouse, it plays a pivotal role in synthesizing bile, storing glycogen for energy, metabolizing nutrients, detoxifying harmful substances, and regulating blood clotting. However, despite its importance, liver disease remains a formidable global health challenge, claiming millions of lives annually.

In India, the burden of liver disease is particularly staggering. Recent data from the World Health Organization's 2020 report reveals that liver disease claimed 2.7 million lives in India, representing 3.17% of total fatalities. The situation is dire, with liver disease rapidly spreading across the nation, affecting one out of every five adults, akin to an epidemic. A multitude of factors contribute to liver disease in India, ranging from viral infections like hepatitis (types A to E) to alcohol-related liver disease stemming from excessive alcohol consumption. Lifestyle elements such as obesity and unhealthy life style also play a pivotal role, leading to non-alcoholic liver disease (NALD) and increasing the risk of liver cancer. These challenges collectively pose significant obstacles to liver health nationwide.

Liver disease progresses through various stages, starting with inflammation or fatty liver disease. However, there's hope in early detection and care—during the initial stages, the liver possesses a remarkable ability to regenerate, offering promising prospects for recovery. Yet, if left untreated, liver disease can escalate to severe conditions like cirrhosis, marked by extensive scarring and impaired function. Acute liver failure can ensue suddenly, precipitating life-threatening complications, and in advanced stages, liver transplantation may become the sole recourse for treatment.

Classic symptoms of liver disease include fatigue, weakness, nausea, vomiting, right upper quadrant abdominal pain, jaundice (yellowing of the skin) and potential weight loss. However, symptoms may vary depending on the specific liver condition until late-stage liver disease or liver failure.

Tips for healthy liver

Maintaining liver health requires a multifaceted approach, with lifestyle choices and vaccination playing pivotal roles in prevention. Adopting a healthy lifestyle through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, limited alcohol intake, and avoidance of harmful toxins, such as lead can significantly reduce the risk of liver diseases. Practising safe hygiene, avoiding risky behaviours such as sharing needles, and getting regular medical check-ups are essential preventive measures. Monitoring and managing underlying conditions like obesity and fatty liver disease are also important for liver health. Furthermore, quitting smoking can decrease the risk of liver cancer, as tobacco smoke contains harmful chemicals that can damage the liver. By incorporating these preventive strategies into daily life, individuals can proactively safeguard their liver health and reduce the likelihood of liver ailments, including cancers.

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