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Available Hospitals

We provide excellent care, right from diagnosis to the treatment and beyond at our world-class hospitals.

Our Doctors

We have some of the best specialists from around the world, they bring years of experience and offer evidence-based treatment to ensure the best care for you.

Treatments & Procedures

We provide comprehensive treatment for all types diseases under one roof. Our highly experienced doctors supported by especially trained clinical staff, ensure the best care for you.

Advanced Technology & Facilities

Well equipped with the latest medical equipment, modern technology & infrastructure, Aster Hospital is one of the best hospitals in India.

State of the art technology

Dept of Pediatrics at MIMS has expanded by leaps and bounds; we started off with a good Neonatal Intensive Unit and a general pediatric department in 2002. In the year 2004, in addition to existing clinics The department started different speciality clinics like pediatric Asthma Clinic, Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic and Child Development Clinic. The department has conducted state level CMEs in Pediatric Pulmonology and Pediatric Rheumatology. Our Pediatric Asthma Clinic is conducted with the support of Pulmonology department. Patient education regarding Inhaler Therapy and Prevention of Asthma are highlighted in these clinics. The Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic started with the help of Rheumatology department is the first of its kind in the state. The Child Development Clinic was started with the aim to follow up high risk babies and normal babies for detection of early developmental aberrations so that early help can be instituted. The clinic offers a package of multispecialities which includes ENT, Ophthalmology, Physical Medicine. In special circumstances services of Orthopaedic Surgeon, Child Psychologist, Speech Therapist, Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapists are sought.

Pediatric ICU
Pediatric Ventilation
All Pediatric Procedures including Bone Marrow, Liver Biopsy, Bronchoscopy
Pediatric Asthma Clinic
Pediatric Developmental assessment
IQ Testing
Vaccination services
Pediatric Neurology clinic
Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic


Most infants admitted to the NICU are untimely (delivered before 37 weeks of pregnancy), have low birth weight (under 5.5 pounds), or have a medical condition that requires unique care. Almost a large portion of a million children are delivered preterm, and a significant number of these infants likewise have low birth weights. Twins, triplets, frequently are admitted to the NICU, as they have a tendency to be delivered before than single birth children. Babies with medical conditions, for example, heart issues, or birth deformities are likewise watched over in the NICU. NICU at Aster MIMS Kottakkal is equipped with a best in class level 3 NICU under the direction of all around trained and qualified Neonatologists. We gather in appropriate proof based administration at reasonable cost. The NICU has exceptional offices for, cutting edge neonatal ventilation including high recurrence ventilation, care of to a great degree low weight infants, extraordinary care for postoperative checking (counting cardiovascular cases), surfactant administration, exchange transfusion, total parenteral nourishment, Central venous catheterization


Our PICU offers access to subspecialties and the most exceptional technologies accessible, and is devoted to giving the largest medical care to our pediatric patients. Subspecialty administrations accessible through the PICU incorporate cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics, cardiology, pulmonary, general surgery, oncology, hematology, and bone marrow transplant.

Care in the PICU dependably gives family-focused treatment that is formatively and age-centered, empathetic, and effective for the treatment of different medical issues. Pediatric Intensive Care Unit gives round the clock services to basically sick newborn infants and children, overseen by extraordinarily trained and experienced work force under direct supervision of pediatric specialists.

The facilities include

  • Invasive and non-invasive ventilators 
  • LED phototherapy and consistent multi-parameter checking consolidated with devoted nursing care
  • Pediatric ventilator
  • Pediatric indoor admissions
  • Central venous catheterization
  • Specially trained staff etc.
Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

Aster Medcity offers a dedicated 10 bedded Level 3 Pediatric Intensive Unit equipped with state-of-the-art monitoring and diagnostic equipment. Manned 24/7 by a team internationally trained Pediatric Intensive Care Physicians and Nurses who stand for ethical and evidence based practices, the PICU provides advanced organ support for critically ill children and life-support services including mechanical ventilation like HFOV and Inhaled Nitric Oxide Therapy. The Unit, for the first time in Kerala, offers Pediatric Intensive Care Retrieval service, where the Retrieval Team, comprising Pediatric Intensive Care Physicians and Nurses triage, stabilise and transport critically ill children in an ambulance that is a Level 3 Paediatric Intensive Care Unit by itself, from peripheral hospitals to Aster Medcity.

The Unit also offers:

Invasive cardiovascular monitoring and support including extra corporeal life support Advanced renal support like CVVH and hemodialysis for children
Post-operative care for children who have had specialised surgery at Aster Medcity
Multi-disciplinary in approach and works closely with other Specialities for Pediatric surgery like Oncology, Neurology, Renal, Spinal Surgery, ENT, Respiratory and Endocrinology
Multi-disciplinary in approach for trauma care with support from specialist teams including Neurosurgery, Pediatric surgery, and Pediatric Orthopedics, ENT and Craniofacial surgery
Round the clock triaging and pre-transport stabilisation advice to assist Retrieval
Zero tolerance for error prescription policy
100 % adherence to infection control practices
Dedicated team to address patient safety and risk management
Allied services including Respiratory Therapists, Dietician , Clinical Pharmacists and Physiotherapists
Counselling and Psychosocial services for bystanders and focus for creating a stress free environment during the most difficult period in their lives

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit


Endo tracheal intubation
Umbilical line placement
Chest tube placement
Percutaneous (PICC) line placement
Ventilator support including high frequency ventilation + inhaled nitric-oxide treatment
Intravenous access and maintenance
Total Body Cooling
Exchange transfusion
Hemodynamic monitoring
Total parenteral nutrition
Oxygen saturation monitoring
Surfactant therapy
Per Oral/tube feeding
Promotion of breast feeding and lactation assistance/advice
Peritoneal dialysis
Developmental interventions - Environmental and Developmental Care of Infants

The Child Development Centre

The Child Development Centre at Aster Medcity is a dedicated clinic for differently abled children, providing customised treatment through early identification, intervention, school age and specialised services. Community based, accessible, inclusive and responsive to the needs of the child at all stages of development, these services are delivered in a culture of excellence, diversity and respect, with focus on quality, stability, innovation and positive out come for both the child and his or her family.

The treatment strategy is planned after a detailed assessment by way of “scores” based on the way the child plays with toys, interacts with friends and also information provided by parents on his or her behavioural pattern, food and sleep habits, with inputs from Developmental Paediatrics, Child Psychiatry, Child Psychology, Speech and Language, Hearing, Occupational therapy, Physiotherapy departments and also Special instructors and Play therapists. The behavioural and developmental interface addresses common conditions like Attention deficit disorder, Attention deficit hyperactive disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Autism spectrum disorder.


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