Aster Prime Hospital does not offer any sort of employment in exchange for payment of money for any purpose whatsoever. If you receive any similar kind of offer from anyone representing Aster Prime Hospital, please send an email with the intimation and related documents to [email protected].
  • Infant Developmental Supportive Care: This is for those pre-term/sick neonates who are confined within the environmental and treatment-ready demands in NICU. This care has been designed to modulate their sensory experiences so that their normal brain connections are formed. Our team works along with our specially trained nursing staff and parents to create a plan that nurtures baby’s developing nervous system through the developmentally supportive care in NICU. This care is also meant to spur the bonding between the parent and the infant by making the parents/caregivers aware of all the cues provided by the infant according to its need.
  • NICU High Risk Babies Follow Up Program: This special care package program is for those who have ‘graduated’ from NICU. The program has been developed to regularly monitor their development as these infants, who had their early life within the NICU, run a risk of developing complications and/or developmental disabilities once outside its sterilized environment. This follow-up program, as the name suggests, helps families keep an eye on their child’s growth—under professional supervision—through the initial three years. The program is also designed to identify signs of any deviation from the normal growth path of development or behaviour. Infant Stimulation Program: Well-qualified physiotherapists as well as childcare and child psychologists are the one behind this child development care program. Under this, the professionals take down detailed assessment of children in all streams of their development. This is a therapy program that comprises of sensory and motor activities; playing is a primary medium through with the child is aided in attaining age-appropriate milestones in communication and cognition. The program also includes neuro-developmental therapy to improve the child’s motor development. Autism Intervention Program: Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Due to this disorder, a child’s language development and social function gets affected—moderately to severely depending on where the child has been found on the spectrum. In this program, parents are an integral part for the child’s holistic development, especially when the child has been assessed to be on the autism spectrum. After a comprehensive assessment of how they function at an emotional level in regular society, as well as their adaptive and language skills, the parents are given a home management program. This is for the parents to carry out under the more familiar environment of the child’s home so that the child is more easily acclimatized to what is considered ‘normal’ in regular society.
  • ADHD Intervention Program: Attention Deficit Disorder is one of the most common psychological disorders diagnosed in today’s children. Aster’s program offers a comprehensive diagnostic and management program for children diagnosed with this disorder. The management of these children is based on three-pronged approach: environmental accommodation, behaviour modification and drug therapy. It also offers a parental education program in developing coping strategies and monitoring the drug therapy. There are also interventional programs for poor scholastic performance along with other behavioural issues. 
  • Newborns-16 years of age can attend the Aster NEUKID CDC for assessment, diagnosis, advice and treatment for a wide range of problems such as:  Developmental delay 
  • Physical disability 
  • Severe co-ordination difficulties 
  • Communication, speech and language difficultie
  • Autistic spectrum disorders 
  • Learning difficulties 
  • Vision and hearing problems
  • Behaviour problems associated with developmental delay Our goal is to meet the developmental, emotional, social, physical and intellectual needs of children. The Centre respects and accommodates the developmental stages of all children and promotes positive self-image.


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