7 Kg tumour removed successfully from the pancreas of a 50 year old lady

Posted on : Mar 02, 2021


Kozhikode, September 16, 2017: In a rare and complicated surgery, doctors at Aster MIMS, Kozhikode, successfully removed a tumour weighing 7.1 kilograms from the pancreas of a 50 year old lady. The patient from Wayanad underwent treatment in various hospitals for abdominal discomfort and pain. She had a distended abdomen because of which she suffered from pain. The CT scan of the abdomen revealed a tumour and the patient was referred to Aster MIMS due to its huge size. The pancreatic cyst excision was of 30X21X19 cm size.Dr Salim V P, Head, Surgical Oncology, Aster MIMS said, “It was a tremendous task to remove a tumour weighing more than 7 kilograms arising from the tail section of the pancreas which weighs just 100 grams.”

Besides Dr Salim, Dr T Salahudheen, Surgical Assistant, Dr Ramesh, Anaesthetist, and Dr Nusrath, Anaesthetist; all from Aster MIMS; took part in the surgery.

Dr Rahul Menon, CEO, Aster MIMS said, “Removing tumours of this size involves several complications. We are really proud that the surgical team at Aster MIMS can deliver treatment solutions matching international standards.”

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